Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yay for spontaneity!

Yes...more random trips!

As some of you may know, even though I'm living in Idaho, I'm still enrolled in the University of The Hague back in the Netherlands. I do most of my stuff online, but throughout the semester I'll have to visit the university to talk to professors, do exams, give presentations, etc. I also have to attend the first couple of classes during weeks six and seven, so that's from the 8th of February till somewhere around the 19th.

Now, all work and no play makes Michael a dull boy, so I decided to add some fun into the trip...during my trip to ATL I met a bunch of really cool people from DC and Connecticut, so why not visit them before I head out to Holland?!

Those of you who know me, know that I don't always plan ahead or think things through very well. So, once again, it was kind of a last minute thing, and I really didn't know where I was going to stay or what I was going to do until today, the 24th -- I'm leaving the 28th, so...yeah...I'm glad I let people know I was coming well ahead of time.

I'll be leaving Moscow on the 28th, and I'll arrive in DC around 11:00 pm. I'll spend the night at the airport and then take an el cheapo Greyhound bus to CT, where I'll stay until ????? and sleep on futons and couches. And, just so you huskies know, I expect to have an awesome time!

Then on the ????? I'll head back to DC where I'll spend the weekend before I leave to Holland, where I'll stay for two weeks.

I hope everything goes well...I will keep you updated. Three days to pack, make plans, reserve bus tickets, and work a bunch. Awesome :)

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