Monday, January 4, 2010

Portland Schmortland... boring can an airport be?! After a 50 minute flight from Spokane to Portland, I'm sitting here at gate D7, and will have to sit here for another two hours. This place is mega-boring. Even kids are bored! And I don't think I've ever seen a bored five-year old anywhere...those things know how to entertain themselves like none other. But not in this airport.

The flight was sketchy...fog, clouds, rain...pretty intense. And then I started wondering if planes ever hit black ice when they're landing. lol. The plane driver did good though.

My neighbor during the flight was a platinum blond 40 something year-old with two lip piercings and a tattoo on her chest who used the word 'awesome' excessively. She's heading to Atlanta as well...I now totally understand what they're talking about when they say 'dirty south'. It really is pretty dirty. Jk. She was cool. I guess she's been a waitress for most of her life and came up to Spokane to see her kids for new year's eve. Seemed like a cool ol' lady -- definitely an interesting one.

Well...I might go get a magazine and a butterfinger. Maybe have a beer or two as well to help me sleep on this flight, haha. Though a cup of green tea sounds pretty nice as well. I'll decide on my way to the only open restaurant.

Miguel en aeropuerto numero dos.

1 comment:

  1. hej knaap,
    ik wist niet dat je dat ging doen man. Klinkt best tof, ook al kan het heftig zijn!
    Nog de beste wensen man, maak 2010 een mooi jaar van heh. en dat korte kapsel vind ik maar raarrrrrr

    michiel el giganto
