Monday, February 22, 2010

Adios good friends and grumpy people...

OMFG! Why won't my clothes fit in these bags?! Once again, I'm trying to fit more in my random collection of bags and suitcases you'd think physically possible. Contrary to what you may think, I've found that getting really mad and stomping on clothes has actually proved itself beneficial multiple times.

There were three reasons for me to come back to the Netherlands:

1. To attend classes and let the professors know that I would be in Idaho, not in class
2. To see my friends
3. To get some things over here that I didn't bring when I left a year ago

Going to class was actually fun again. I haven't had classes for well over half a year now, and it was nice to just hang out and hear what the professor had to say, rather than having to think for myself.

Seeing my friends was even better. It's fun to see how little people change in a year. Sure, they may be wearing different clothing, have a different job, but in the end, they're still the same friends I left a year ago. And even though I like to think that I too achieved some personal growth and made some changes over the last year, I fit right back in and had just as much of a good time.

Now, trying to pack the stuff I left behind was a bit tougher...but I'm sure if I push hard enough, all of it will fit and hopefully the airline won't complain about the bags being slightly overweight.

It was weird to be, but different. For some reason, it didn't feel like home as much as it used to. I love being able to take a tram from each street corner and never really having to walk; I love the food and the cheap fresh vegetables; I love the "snackbars" where you can get the best fastfood; I love the kebab places; I love hanging out and partying with my friends at the Grote Markt and 't Paard. But I don't love how grumpy people seem to be; I don't love the weather; and most of all, I don't love the price of a beer...

Lots of people are less friendly than people are in the U.S. When I got on the train, it seemed like nobody wanted to scoot over a bit so I could sit next to them. And then when I did sit next to someone, all he did was look angry about it and stare out the window. It seems like people in the states are more willing to start up a conversation. People here seem to be in some crazy hurry -- they're always doing something. Of course, not everybody is like that, and there's some really awesome people around here...but sometimes you have to generalize if you want to make a comparison or a choice. I made the choice to not come back and live here. It stresses me out. The U.S. is home for me now. The Netherlands and the rest of Europe can be my vacation destination!

I'm going to be back somewhere near the end of March. When I come back I expect to see leaves on trees, a sun in the blue sky, and people smiling because spring has begun.

And for everyone back home, I'm gonna be back in a couple days, so I expect a belated birthday party! I don't want present, but I do want my friends to be there to hear about what's been going on in Moscow. David said it was post-apocalyptic.


  1. Ben je nu alweer weg Keene? Toch jammer om te horen dat je niet meer terugkomt naar NL maar dat had ik eigenlijk ook wel een beetje verwacht toen je eenmaal naar de US ging :D toch wel heel jouw ding he :)

    Als je nu al ff de data dat je komt in Maart doorgeeft zal ik eens proberen Bartje U / Renze / Michieltje / Little Leeuwis en wie weet zelfs Fredje bij elkaar te toveren :p komt vast een mooie avond uit, zeker nu ik Singstar heb :D

  2. haha, yeah! Nou, ik kan 't je min of meer al vertellen. 't Zal eind Maart en begin April worden. Zodra ik de precieze data weet dan hoor je het. Enne, Facebook is minder effectief dan wanneer 't om mij bereiken gaat :)

    Tot in Maart!!!

  3. I'm glad you had a good time Michael! Travel Safe!! xo
